1. What's the return policy?
You may return new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery. Please contact us before initiating a return. Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. If your item has any production errors or damages, please contact us as soon as possible to receive a prepaid shipping label.
2. When will my order ship?
In-Stock Orders - All orders placed are shipped within 1-2 business days. We will make every attempt to ship out 1-2 day FedEx orders the same or next business day. Please inquire if you have a deadline to meet
All in-stock orders are shipped via UPS Ground, unless otherwise noted.
Backorders - An estimated date is given on each line item that is backordered. Items typically ship within a week of this date. Also note, orders will ship together that includes backordered props. Please place separate orders if items will need to ship separately.
Custom Orders - Once your order is placed, we will send you proofs of your customized orders within 2 - 4 business days. After proof approval, we ship out orders within 7 - 10 days.
3. Why are your photo booth props better?
Prop Culture is the ultimate source for trendy, modern photo booth props. We offer a wide variety of modern props, that are sure to create memorable photo booth experiences. Designed with fun events & parties in mind, props are sure to be a fun, eye-catching addition for all events!
And... we offer CUSTOM PHOTO BOOTH PROPS!!!4. What materials do you use to make props?
All props are a solid 5mm thick, Co-Extruded PVC, printed with UV fade resistant ink, doubled sided. Created for events with heavy usage, ours props are scratch, abrasion, and weather resistant. Co-extruded PVC board is made of three layers: a central thermo-formed core, and two flat, compact “external skins” with “matte” finishes. These external layers are smooth and corona-treated to provide outstanding printing performance. The board delivers protective rigidity along with moisture and chemical resistance. Prop Culture's props are stronger, more sturdy, and unbendable. Better than ANY OTHER PROPS on the market!
5. Can I use multiple promo codes on my order?
Only one promo code can be used per order at this time.